Thursday, May 27, 2010

My friends pronounce my name

Remembering and pronoucing correctly intenational friends are really difficult jobs for me as well as most of my intenational friends. After more than two years living the same dorm using the same kitchen, being good friends but I could not remember my friends's full names, and my friends felt so hard to call my full name. I believe that it is one of funny feature of life abroad. I will miss it when I go back my home.

In this video, three of my friends (one East Timor, one Indonesian, and one Korean) tried to call my full name. hihihi, so funny.

1 comment:

  1. Phát âm gần như chuẩn đấy, nhất là cái anh chàng trục trục tròn tròn. Họ là người Thái à?
